November 2017: Unofficial Problem Bank list declines to 108 Institutions

Note: Surferdude808 compiles an unofficial list of Problem Banks compiled only from public sources.

Here is the unofficial problem bank list for November 2017.

Here are the monthly changes and a few comments from surferdude808:
Update on the Unofficial Problem Bank List for November 2017. The list declined by three to 108 banks after four removals and one addition. Aggregate assets dropped by $1.1 billion to $25.5 billion, with the drop including $105 million from asset shrinkage using updated third quarter figures. A year ago, the list held 173 institutions with assets of $59.9 billion.

Actions were terminated against Pacific Valley Bank, Salinas, CA ($256 million Ticker: PVBK); Grand Bank, National Association, Hamilton, NJ ($210 million); and First Trust & Savings Bank of Albany, Illinois , Albany, IL ($193 million). First National Bank, Waupaca, WI ($429 million) found its way off the list through a merger partner.

Joining the list this month is Citizens Savings Bank and Trust Company, Nashville, TN ($108 million).

This week the FDIC released their official Problem Bank figures for the end of the third quarter of 2017. The FDIC official list holds 104 institutions with assets of $16.0 billion, which equates to an average asset size of about $154 million. Last quarter, the FDIC said the official list had 105 institutions with assets of $17.2 billion, which equated to an average asset size of $164 million. Thus, during the third quarter of 2017, the FDIC had a net change of one institution and removed $1.2 billion of assets from their official list.

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