How to Enable Google Plus Comments in Blogger
Long time ago, Google proudly announced their new integrated commenting system which is now available for users who have created a Google+ profile and connected it with their Blogspot blogs. This way, Blogger users will be able to use Google+ as a commenting system for their blogs, while comments from Google+ will automatically appear on their blogs.
For those who haven't yet upgraded the Blogger profile to a Google+ profile, please see this tutorial on how to associate a blog to a Google plus page. Once you have connected a blog to a Google+ profile, you'll have a new "Use Google+ Comments on this blog" setting on the Google+ tab of your blog. To enable the Google plus commenting system, just check the box next to this setting:

As soon as you've enabled the feature through your Blogger Dashboard, you'll have the following features:
- Threaded commenting system: the threaded system will allow a reader to reply to other comments on that post, thus the conversations will become much easier, more effective and more enjoyable
- Public and private comments: this ensures a better privacy for your visitors which can make their comments either public or private
- Edit or delete comments: your visitors will be able to edit any comments that they wrote even after publishing, so they don't have to write another comment explaining the correction
- Google Plus One (+1) button in comments: we can up-vote any comment by clicking this button. This is a great feature which could also help you to get some traffic from Google+
- "Also share on Google+" check box: with this option which is right below the comment editor, we will be able to share a specific comment on Google+ and thus get more traffic!
Things to consider before adding the Google Plus Comments in Blogger
- the Google Plus commenting system won't work for private and adult blogs
- If you are using a third-party commenting system like Disqus, your comments might not be retained when you enable Google+ Comments
- If you change domain name, comments will be gone. Therefore, it would be highly recommended to implement the Google Plus commenting system only after you've decided to use a custom domain name
- If you choose to allow comments pending moderation, you will have to visit the post in order to approve, hide or delete comments before they are publicly visible
- Only registered Google+ users can comment, this means that visitors who don't have a Google+ account will not be able to comment on your blog
How to Enable Google Plus on Custom Blogger Templates
If you are using a custom Blogger template, the comments might not show up after checking the "Use Google+ Comments on this blog" setting. In this case, we will need to apply the following trick in order to enable it on custom templates:Step 1. From the Blogger Dashboard, go to "Template" and click on the "Edit HTML" button.
Step 2. Click anywhere inside the code area and press the Ctrl + F keys to open the Blogger search box, then type or paste the following line inside the search box and hit Enter to find it: